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Culmination of a PhD Journey: My Experience Presenting PhD Findings - REFOREST - Regional Research School in Forest Sciences

Scolastica Ntalikwa presenting her findings during the seminar presentations

By Scolastica Justin Ntalikwa

The peak of a PhD journey at SUA is marked by the presentation of research findings. This pivotal moment is an opportunity to showcase years of hard work, dedication, and intellectual contributions to the academic community. This opportunity was presented to the REFOREST PhD students as the REFOREST programme organized a seminar workshop from 14th – 15th and 24th – 25th of June 2024. The seminars were officiated by the Director of Postgraduate Studies Prof. J. Kashaigili and was attended by several professors and other stuff from the College of Forestry Wildlife and Tourism including the Principal Prof. Agnes Sirima. This report captures the essence of my experience during the presentation of my PhD results, providing insights into the whole journey and the overall reflections.

The foundation of a successful PhD presentation lies in thorough research and meticulous data analysis. Over the course of my PhD, I engaged in extensive literature reviews, fieldwork, data collection, and statistical analysis. Each step was documented accurately, ensuring that I had a comprehensive understanding of my research topic and could articulate my findings clearly. This was seen during the seminar presentations when I presented my paper “Stem Recovery and Harvesting Productivity of Two Different Harvesting Systems In Final Felling of Pinus patula” and “Integrated Processing: An Approach Towards Small Diameter Logs Utilization and Product Diversification for Commercial Forestry in Tanzania” these papers are part of my PhD research.

After the presentation, the question-and-answer session followed; which was also a vital opportunity to demonstrate my expertise and engage in scholarly discourse. I listened carefully to each question, provided thoughtful responses, and acknowledged constructive criticism. This interaction not only highlighted the significance of my research but also provided valuable insights for potential future directions.

Presenting my PhD results was a significant milestone in my academic journey. The experience provided invaluable lessons in research communication, public speaking, and scholarly engagement, highlighting the importance of effectively sharing knowledge with the academic community. Moving forward, I am committed to applying these learnings in future academic endeavors and contributing to the advancement of my field. But also to critically use the provided feedback to prepare for the final examination “viva voce”.

The REFOREST Students and Staff from College of Forestry, Wildlife and Tourism.

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REFOREST Programme
College of Forestry Wildlife and Tourism
Sokoine University of Agriculture
P.O. Box 3009 Chuo Kikuu
Morogoro, Tanzania

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