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Publications - REFOREST - Regional Research School in Forest Sciences



Published Papers

Christine Kalembe Mwanja

  1. Christine Kalembe Mwanjaa, Romanus Ishengoma, Nasko Terziev, Abwoli Banana, Fred Kalanzi. Perception of artisans towards bamboo preservation for improved product durability in Uganda.
  2. Christine Kalembe Mwanja, Romanus Ishengoma, Nasko Terziev, Abwoli Banana, Fred Kalanzi Scolastica Justin Ntalikwa & Paul MUGABI. Effect of preservative treatments on retention and strength properties of Oxytenanthera abyssinica, Oldeania alpina, and Bambusa vulgaris Journal of Pro Ligno
  3. Christine Kalembe Mwanja, Nasko Terziev, Romanus Ishengoma, Abwoli Banana & Fred Kalanzi. Fungal degradation of bamboo treated with crude lake salt and a mixture of borax and boric acid. Journal of Advances in Bamboo science. 
  4. Christine Kalembe Mwanja, Romanus Ishengoma, Abwoli Banana, Nasko Terziev & Fred Kalanzi. 2024. Effectiveness of Selected Preservatives in Protecting Bamboo Against Termite Attack. Journal of East African Journal of Forestry & Agroforestry. DOI:

Nanyika Kingazi

  1. Nanyika Kingazi, Ruwa-Aichi Temu ,Agnes Sirima, Mattias Jonsson. Tropical agroforestry supports insect pollinators and improves bean yield.
  2. Kingazi, N.; Temu, R.P.C.; Sirima, A.; Jonsson, M. Pollination knowledge among local farmers in northern Tanzania and the role of traditional agroforestry practices in promoting pollinator forage plants. Journal of Environmental and Sustainability Indicators,
  3. Kingazi, N., Temu, R.P.C., Sirima, A., & Jonsson, M. (2023). Woody plants supporting insect pollinators in Chagga home. Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences.

Alberto António Manhiça

  1. Alberto António Manhiça, Ernesto Uetimane Júnior, Mohamed Jebrane and Peter R. Gillah. Upgrading the durability of perishable wood species using extractives from side streams of durable wood sawmill operations: a review.
  2. Alberto António Manhiça, Prof. Ernesto Uetimane Júnior, Prof. Mohamed Jebrane & Prof. Peter R. Gillah. 2024.  Developing Sustainable Wood Preservatives: The Antifungal Efficiency of Afzelia quanzensis Welv. and Androstachys johnsonii Prain Sawdust Extracts from Mozambique Journal of East African Journal of Forestry and Agroforestry, Volume 7.
  3. Alberto António Manhiça, Prof. Ernesto Uetimane Júnior, Prof. Mohamed Jebrane, & Prof. Peter R. Gillah. 2024. Durability Response of Perishable Wood Species after Pressure Impregnation of Extractives-Based Solutions from Naturally Durable Species of Mozambique. Journal of East African Journal of Forestry and Agroforestry, Volume 7.

Hadia Seid

  1. Hadia, S., John, K., Zebene, A. & Sigrun, D.  2024. Soil Physicochemical Properties Under Selected Avocado Cultivars in Ethiopian Smallholder Agroforestry. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 24(3):1-13. DOI:
  2. Hadia Seid, John Kessy, A. Sigrun Dahlin  & Zebene Asfaw. 2024. Homegarden improved avocado cultivation, income diversification, and food security for rural households in Central Ethiopia. Journal of Cogent Economics & Finance.
  3. Hadia, S., John, K., Sigrun, D. & Zebene A. 2024. Exploring farmers’ perceptions on improved avocado on-farm integration and factors influencing tree-crop interactions in Central Ethiopia.  Journal of Forests, Trees and Livelihoods. 33(3): 1-17. DOI:

Sintayehu Tamene

  1. Sintayehu Tamene, Mesele Negash, Fortunatus Bulabo Makonda, Linley Chiwona‑Karltun and Kefyalew Sahle Kibret. Ethnobotanical study on medicinal plant knowledge among three ethnic groups in peri‑urban areas of south‑central Ethiopia. 
  2. Sintayehu Tamene, Mesele Negash, Fortunatus Bulabo Makonda & Linley Chiwona Karltun. 2024. Influence of socio-demographic factors on medicinal plant knowledge among three selected ethnic groups in south-central Ethiopia. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine.
  3. Sintayehu Tamene, Mesele Negash, Fortunatus Bulabo Makanda, Linley Chiwona Karltun. 2024. Local community perception on medicinal plant knowledge use and influencing variable among three ethnic groups in peri-urban areas of south-central Ethiopia. Journal of Plants and Applied Research.

Elias Nelly Bapfakurera      

  1. Elias Nelly Bapfakurera, Charles Joseph Kilawe , Gert Nyberg, Jean Nduwamungu. Assessment of stocking, productivity, and aboveground biomass of tree species used as fuelwood in Rwanda’s agricultural landscapes.
  2. E.N Bapfakurera, C. J Kilawe, G Nyberg, J Nduwamungu. Bioenergy perspective in Rwanda: The potential of the tree-based system in the agricultural landscape for fuelwood supply. Download PDF
  3. Elias Nelly Bapfakurera, Charles Joseph Kilawe, Jean Nduwamungu & Gert Nyberg. 2024. Fuelwood use and household appreciation of improved and traditional cooking stoves in Rwanda. Journal of Biomass and Bioenergy.
  4. Elias Nelly Bapfakurera, Charles Joseph Kilawe, Valens Uwizeyimana, Judith Uwihirwe, Guillaume Nyagatare, Jean Nduwamungu, Gert Nyberg. 2024. The challenges associated with firewood supply and analysis of fuel quality parameters of the tree species used as firewood in Rwanda. Journal of Biomas and Bioenergy.

Jacquline George Kajembe

  1. Jacquline George Kajembe, Goran Bostedt, Yonika M. Ngaga & Jumanne M. Abdallah. 2024. Following in the footsteps of the successful spice farmers: Determinants of spice income in Tanzania. Journal of International Development WILEY. DOI: 10.1002/jid.3892.
  2. Jacqueline George Kajembe, Göran Bostedt, Yonika M. Ngaga & Jumanne M. Abdallah. 2024. Assessing Livelihood Strategy Choices Among Spice Farmers in the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania. Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics 16(2): 54 – 68 (2024).

Lemma Tiki

  1. Lemma Tiki, Jumanne M. Abdallah, Kristina Marquardt & Motuma Tolera. 2024. Does Participatory Forest Management Reduce Deforestation and Enhance Forest Cover? A Comparative Study of Selected Forest Sites in Adaba-Dodola, Ethiopia. Journal of Ecologies.
  2. Lemma, T., Motuma, T., Abdallah J.M. & Kristina, M. 2024. Comparative Assessment of Woody Species Diversity, Structure and Carbon Stock of PFM and Non-PFM Forests and its Implication for REDD+ in Ethiopia. Journal of Tree, Forest and People 16 (2024): 01–10.
  3. Lemma Tiki, Jumanne M. Abdallah, Motuma Tolera & Kristina Marquardt. 2024. Impacts of Participatory Forest Management on Land Use/Land Cover of Adaba-Dodola Forest in South Eastern Ethiopia and its Implication to REDD+ Implementation. Journal of Environmental Management.
  4. Lemma Tiki, Kristina Marquardt, Jumanne M. Abdallah. 2025. Participatory forest management: Analysis of local forest governance and implications for REDD+ implementation in the Adaba-Dodola Forest in Ethiopia. Journal of Trees, Forests and People.

Osvaldo M. Meneses

  1. Osvaldo M. Meneses, Natasha S. Ribeiro, Zainab Shirvani & Samora M. Andrew. 2024. Spatio-Temporal analysis of wildfire Regimes in Miombo of the LevasFlor Forest concession, Central Mozambique. Journal of MDPI.
  2. Osvaldo M. Meneses, Natasha S. Ribeiro, Zeinab Shirvani & Samora M. Andrew. 2025. Resilience of the Miombo Woodland to Different Fire Frequencies in the LevasFlor Forest Concession, Central Mozambique. Journal of Forests.

Solange Uwingabire

  1. S. Uwingbire, S.A.O. Chamshama, G. Nyberg & J. Nduwamungu. 2024. Gasifier use for cooking and biochar production by smallholder farmers in Rwanda. Journal of Biofuels.
  2. Solange Uwingabire, Shaban Athuman Omar Chamshama, Jean Nduwamugu & Gert Nyberg. 2024. French Bean Production as Influenced by Biochar and Biochar Blended Manure Application in Two Agro-Ecological Zones of Rwanda. Journal of MDPI.
  3. S. Uwingabire, J. Nduwamungu, G. Nyberg & S.A.O. Chamshama. 2024. Farmer-managed French bean biochar trials in Rwanda: Effects on yield and soil nutrients. Rwanda Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Vol 3, No. 2 106

Gaudance Ishimwe

  1. Gaudance Nishimwe, Suzana Augustino, Anna Sigran Dahlin & Fidele Niyitanga. 2024. Characterization of Yield and Physico-Chemical Parameters of Selected Wild Indigenous Fruits in Rwanda. Journal of MDPI.
  2. Gaudance Nishimwe, A. Sigran Dahlin, Fidele Niyitanga & Suzana Augustino. 2024. Domestication of wild indigenous fruits trees in Rwanda: Perspectives from rural communities. Journal of Trees, Forests and people.
  3. Gaudence Nishimwe, A. Sigrun Dahlin, Fidèle Niyitanga, George. O. Asudi & Suzana Augustino. 2024. Pre-sowing treatments for a better germination of Myrianthus holstii seeds.  Journal of Forests, Trees and Livelihoods.

Joshua Maguzu

  1. Maguzu, J.; Ulrik, I.; Maliondo, S.M. & Katani, J.Z., Ilstedt Ulrik 2 and Josiah Zephaniah Katani. 2024. Variations of forest productivity of Pinus patula plantations in Tanzania: The need for an improved site classification system. Journal of Forests 2024, 15(7), 1247;
  2. Joshua Maguzu 1, Salim M. Maliondo. 2024. Identification of Key Soil Quality Indicators for Predicting Mean Annual Increment in Pinus patula Forest Plantations in Tanzania. Journal of MDPI.

S. J. Ntalikwa

  1. S. J. Ntalikwa, D. T. K. Shemwetta, T. Nordfjell  & W. S. Abeli. 2024. Stem Recovery and Harvesting Productivity of Two Different Harvesting Systems in Final Felling of Pinus patula. Journal of International Journal of Forest Engineering.
  2. Ntalikwa S. J., Nordfjell T., Abeli W. S., Shemwetta D. T. K. and Mwanja C. K. Integrated processing: An approach towards small diameter logs utilization and product diversification for commercial forestry in Tanzania. 2024. Journal of Horticulture and Forestry.

Tigabu R. Alle

  1. Tigabu R. Alle, Samora M. Andrew, Miriam F. Karlsson & Abdella Gure. 2024. Morphological traits of fruits and seeds of Ziziphus tree specie growing in different land uses in Ethiopia. Journal of Heliyon 2024:10(e34751), DOI:
  2. Tigabu R. Alle, Samora M. Andrew, Miriam F. Karlsson & Abdella Gure. 2024. Challenges in harvesting and utilization of Ziziphus tree fruits in Ethiopia; Journal of Trees, Forests and People. DOI: 10.1016/j.tfp.2024.100725
  3. Tigabu R. Alle, Samora M. Andrew, Miriam F. Karlsson & Abdella Gure. 2024. Incidence, level of damage and identification of insect pests of Ziziphus tree species in Ethiopia; Journal of Forests,  

Vestine Mukamparirwa

  1. V. Mukamparirwa, A. Bargues-Tobella, S.M.S. Maliondo, N.I. Maarouf & C.P. Mugunga. 2024. Morphological Traits as Predictors of Litter Decomposition in Agroforestry Tree Species of Rwanda. Rwanda Journal of Agricultural Sciences Vol. 3 No. 2
  2. Vestine Mukamparirwa, Salim M. S. Maliondo & Canisius Patrick Mugunga. 2024. Synergistic and Antagonistic Effects of Mixed-Leaf Litter Decomposition on Nutrient Cycling. Journal of Plants.

Nkya, S. E

  1. Nkya, S. E., Shirima, D. D., Masolele, R. N., Hedenas, H., & Temu, A. B. (2024). Mapping dominant tree species of miombo woodlands in Western Tanzania using PlanetScope imagery. Discover Applied Sciences.
  2. Nkya, S.E., Shirima, D.D., Masolele, R.N., Hedenas, H., & Temu, A.B (2024). Modeling the Land Surface Phenological Responses of Dominant Miombo Tree Species to Climate Variability in Western Tanzania. Remote sensing.

David Ocama Kissa

  1. David Ocama Kissa, Emmanuel Fred Nzunda Mnason Tweheyo, Daniel Lussetti, Enock Ssekuubwa and Douglas Sheil .2025. Composition and Diversity of Understory and Canopy Species Vary Along a Logging Gradient in an African Semi-Deciduous Tropical Rainforest Journal of Forests.