Wondo Genet College of Forestry and Natural Resources Hawassa University in Ethiopia; Website: http://www.hu.edu.et/cfnr/ or http://www.hu.edu.et/hu/

Faculty of Agronomy and Forest Engineering, Eduardo Mondlane University in Mozambique; Website: http://www.agronomia.uem.mz/

School of Forestry, Biodiversity and Biological Sciences, National University of Rwanda, in Rwanda; Website: https://www.cavm.ur.ac.rw/spip.php?rubrique26

School of Forestry, Environmental and Geographical Sciences, Makerere University in Uganda; and Website: https://caes.mak.ac.ug/schools-3/forestry-environmental-geographical-sciences-2

Sida is Sweden’s government agency for development cooperation. Through cooperation with civil society, multilateral organisations, public agencies and the private sector we work for sustainable development and help create conditions for people living in poverty and oppression to improve their…

College of Forestry, Wildlife and Tourism at Sokoine University of Agriculture.

Faculty of Forest Sciences, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Sweden. Website: https://www.slu.se/en/faculties/s/