Resin extraction from Pinus patula plantations (image credit, cfwt) What does one think walking in the fire trails of this big Pinus Patula plantation? Well, of course, some may think of timber, and some go even further to think of ecosystem services like carbon sequestration and water purification. But are these the only products one...Read More
This guide will take you through the essential cultivation techniques for Pinus patula tree specie Source: DOI: Pinus patula Plantations in Africa: An Overview of Its Silvicultural Traits and Use under SDG For more information on Nursery raising, Planting, Weeding, Pruning, Stocking, and site effect on productivity visit the link below; Quality, Stocking and yield of...Read More
Pinus patula, commonly known as the Mexican weeping pine, is a tree species native to the highlands of Mexico. It thrives in altitudes ranging from 1,800 to 2,700 meters above sea level and is known for its spreading leaves and resilience to moderate drought conditions. The journey of Pinus patula to Africa began in the...Read More