BTM Second Year CR Ms. Tasiana, planting a tree dedicated to her class, on behalf of class members.
BTM second year students doing FPT on Travel and Tour Operations at Gerald ecohomestay, Shangarai, Arusha
BTM students Second Year at Field Practical Training
Greetings from A Town. First day at AICC with the first group. Usual diplomatic atmosphere filled with unmistakable tranquility of hospitality💪🏿! We met our host of today, Ms Benadetha Mginwa who handled all matters professionally and the day was quite insightful.
Bachelor of Tourism Management second year students at Arusha International Conference Centre on their field practical training.
BTM alumni at the Harbin University of Commerce begin their Masters degree studies in Harbin, China PRC
HoD’s Welcome Note
“The Department of Tourism and Recreation is dedicated to offer leisure, recreation and tourism training, cutting edge research and active outreach services to professionals and communities”.
We aim to prepare future leaders in leisure, recreation, and tourism, contribute to industry advancements, and support the well-being of communities.
What we offer The Department offers Tourism Managament programme which equips student with the necessary skills, knowledge in the field of travel, tourism, leisure and recreation.
Facilities The Department of Tourism and recreation have a Zoology building which serves as a teaching facility and lab for the Tourism Management programmes.