Quantification of Carbon stock changes under different forest tenure and their implication to local livelihood in miombo woodland- CCIAM a 3-yr (2012 -2015) funded project lead by Prof. Madoffe.
Developing Fire Reduction Strategy for Miombo Woodlands as a Potential tool for Carbon Storage and Sequestration- CCIAM a 3-yr (2011-2014) funded project lead by Prof. Madoffe.
Seed predation and plant recruitment in an endangered Coffea kihansiensis 2013/14. to view project report
Distribution and Population status of a newly discovered butterfly (Charaxes sp.) and its host plant in Kihansi Gorge forest. 2014/5. Supported by The Whitley Wildlife Conservation and Tropical Biology Association(TBA)
Improving Efficiency of Ranger Patrols in Detecting and Preventing Poaching in Serengeti National Park and Adjacent Reserves-Rufford Small Grant
Spatial and Temporal trends in Illegal activities in East African Protected Areas, supported by the Commonwealth Scholarship and WWF.