The Vice Chancellor of Sokoine University of Agriculture, Prof. Raphael T. Chibunda, is pleased to announce to the SUA community and the public that the Chancellor, Hon. Joseph Sinde Warioba, has reappointed Professor Maulid Walad Mwatawala as the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic, Research, and Consultancy) and Professor Amandus Muhairwa as the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Planning,...Read More
In a symbolic and inspiring event held at the office of the Head of the Department of Wildlife Management, student leaders of the 2024 Bachelor of Science in Wildlife Management final-year cohort were awarded certificates of appreciation. These students had demonstrated exemplary leadership during their field practical training across various protected areas in Tanzania. The...Read More
Tropical Biology Association (TBA) invites qualified students to apply for a field course training that will take place in Kibale Forest National Park, Uganda. Students from Africa and elsewhere in the world will meet at Makerere University Biological field station for a four weeks training in the area of tropical forest Ecology from 10 July...Read More
The department of Wildlife Management is delighted to let you know that, today 24th September 2024, Mr. Ginethone Mhamphi a PhD student enrolled at the Department of Wildlife Management, Sokoine University of Agriculture has successfully defended his PhD theses titled “Prevalence and genetic diversity of Bartonella spp. in rodents and their ectoparasites in Kigoma and Morogoro Regions,...Read More
From July 14 to 18, 2024, a delegation from Tanzania, including postgraduate students, researchers, educators, and conservation practitioners, attended the 60th Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC) conference in Kigali, Rwanda. Representatives from Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), the University of Dodoma, the University of Dar es Salaam, the Nelson Mandela Institute of Science...Read More
Sokoine University of Agriculture in Tanzania invites applications from qualified candidates for admission to its undergraduate degree and non-degree programmes for the academic year 2024/2025. Form Four, Form Six, and diploma graduates with the required qualifications as detailed under each programme are encouraged to apply. The first application window was open since 15th July, 2024,...Read More
On behalf of Sokoine University of Agriculture, the Department of Wildlife Management extends its very best wishes to all undergraduate and postgraduate students who began their exams earlier today, July 15th, continuing through July 26th. Good luck!Read More
Mountain climbing is an electrifying and adventurous sport that offers both an adrenaline rush and a profound connection with nature. It rejuvenates participants and fosters a deep environmental connection. Recently, Third Year BSc Wildlife Management students undertaking their field practical training at Kilimanjaro National Park faced the challenge of climbing to Uhuru Peak via the...Read More
On 8&9th June 2024, twelve (12) final year students pursuing BSc Wildlife Management were supported by the Department of Wildlife Management to attend a Youth conference to learn some conferencing skills and increase networking with seasoned scientists, conservation practitioners and potential employers. The event was organized by Youth4nature organization at United World Colleges (UWC )...Read More
The 43rd Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) Mid Year Graduation Ceremony was held today on Thursday 23rd May 2024 at the Edward Moringe Campus (Main Campus), Morogoro. On this day, the Chancellor of SUA Hon. (R.t.d) Justice, Joseph Sinde Warioba conferred degrees and non-degree awards to the graduands. At this event, a sum of 24...Read More