Qambemeda Masala Nyanghura

  Qambemeda Masala Nyanghura(Tutorial assistant)

  Department: Wildlife Management

  P.O. Box: 3073

  Phone+255 768607584 and +255 784603384 or

  Research Area: The research area is presented in this place



Biography:Qambemeda Masala Nyanghura is working as a Tutorial Assistant in the Department of Wildlife Management at Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA). Mr. Nyanghura is competent in wildlife management and socio-economic aspects. He has five years’ experience of managing wildlife as a Game Officer at Ikorongo-Grumeti game reserves in Serengeti before joining SUA in April 2014. Mr. Nyanghura holds a Master’s degree in MSc. Environmental and Natural Resource Economics from SUA and he is currently doing a number of researches, ranging from biodiversity aspects to socio-economic.