Samora, M., Mombo, F., Luoga, E., Silayo, D. and Nyanghura, Q.M. (2015 – 2016). Mapping of the remaining Un-protected Natural Forests and Assessment of their resources and threats as a roadmap to conserve Eastern Afromontane Biodiversity hotspot in Ludewa, Tanzania. The project is funded by Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund.
Samora, M., Mombo, F. and Nyanghura, Q.M (2015 – 2016). Mushroom Cultivation and Preservation for Biodiversity Conservation in Kilombero Nature Reserve and Improvement of Livelihoods of Adjacent Communities-Kilombero District. The project is funded by Eastern Arc Mountain Conservation Endowment
Shemdoe, R., Mombo, F., Kibasa, D., Nyanghura, Q.M. and Francis, F. (2014 – 2015). Conservation of Uluguru Mountain Catchment Forest through aquaculture improvement intervention as an income generating activities to local communities. The project was funded by Royal Norwegian Government under Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation and Mitigation (CCIAM) programme
Mombo, F., Suzan, G., Haule, L., Nyanghura, Q.M., and Temu, B. (2014-2015). Environmental Flow Assessment (Socio-economic part) of Kiombero sub-basin. A consultancy work commissioned by USAID under the project to support Development of Irrigation and Rural Roads Infrastructure (IRRIP).
Nyanghura, Q. M. (2013). Analysis of Economic Efficiency of Wildlife Law Enforcement in Serengeti Ecosystem Protected areas, Tanzania. Dissertation for Award of MSc. Degree at Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania.
Nyanghura, Q. M. (2008). Ethnobotany of Barbaig community of Balangidalalu village, Hanang district, Manyara region. Special Project Proposal presentation and submission in partial fulfillment for the requirement of the degree of Bachelor of Science in Wildlife Management of Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro .
The inventory of Northern highland forest of Ngorongoro Conservation Area
Authority (NCAA). A work commissioned by NCAA, 2008 – Team Member.
The survey on edible and underutilized plants of Tanzania. A work commissioned by Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH), 2007 – Team Member.
Solid waste management for improved water quality and flows, sanitation and hygiene in Morogoro municipality, Tanzania. The project was funded by Royal Norwegian Government under Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation and Mitigation (CCIAM) programme – Team Member.
Conservation of Uluguru Mountain Catchment Forest through aquaculture improvement intervention as an income generating activities to local communities. The project was funded by Royal Norwegian Government under Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation and Mitigation (CCIAM) programme – Team Member.
Mushroom Cultivation and Preservation for Biodiversity Conservation in Kilombero Nature Reserve and Improvement of Livelihoods of Adjacent Communities– Kilombero District. The Project is funded by Eastern Arc Mountain Conservation Endowment Fund (EAMCEF).– (Team Member) – Ongoing Project.
Mapping of the remaining Un-protected Natural Forests and Assessment of their resources and threats as a roadmap to conserve Eastern Afromontane Biodiversity hotspot in Ludewa, Tanzania. The Project is funded by Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF). – (Team Member) – Ongoing Project.
Assessment of Land-Cover and Livelihood Impacts of Land Tenure Change in Tanzania. A collaborative research project between Sokoine University of Agriculture and University of Michigan (USA). The project is Funded by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). – Team Member – Ongoing Project.
Environmental Flow Assessment (Socio-economic part) of Kiombero sub–basin.
A work commissioned by USAID under the project to support Development of
Irrigation and Rural Roads Infrastructure (IRRIP) – Team Member.
Technical Advisory Services for Biodiversity Conservation and Wetland Management in Kilombero Valley Ramsar Site, Tanzania. A work commissioned by Belgian Technical Cooperation (BTC) under the Kilombero and Lower Rufiji Wetlands Ecosystem Management Project (KILORWEMP). – Team Member – Ongoing Work