My teaching competencies are in the fields of sawmilling, wood energy, properties and utilization of solid wood, and non-timber forest products.
Selected Publications
- Kolonel, C., Takeshita, M., Higuchi, M., Mochizuki, I., Yoshino, S., & Sato, T. (2023, May). Utilization of bio-charcoal from woody biomass gasification to promote climate-smart agriculture in Yamanashi, Japan. In The Japanese Forest Society Congress 134th Annual JFS Meeting (p. 286). THE JAPANESE FORESTRY SOCIETY.
- Sato, T., Kolonel, C. P., Watanabe, R., Takeshita, M., Higuchi, M., Mochizuki, I., & Yoshino, S. (2023, May). Concept of Bio-Charcoal utilization by Gasification in Nanbu, Yamanashi. In The Japanese Forest Society Congress 134th Annual JFS Meeting (p. 258). THE JAPANESE FORESTRY SOCIETY.
- Kilawe, C. J., Kaaya, O. E., Kolonel, C. P., Macrice, S. A., Mshama, C. P., Lyimo, P. J., & Emily, C. J. (2021). Wildfires in the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania: Burned areas, underlying causes and management challenges. African Journal of Ecology, 59(1), 204-215.
For a full list of Mr. Kolonel’s publications, please visit his Google Scholar profile at: 
Academic/Educational Background
- Master of Science in Forestry, Tokyo University of Agriculture, Tokyo, Japan (2022)
- Bachelor of Science in Forestry, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania (2016)