Welcome to the Department of Forest Engineering and Wood Sciences

The Department of Forest Engineering and Wood Sciences at the College of Forestry Wildlife and Tourism comprises a unique group of specialists. In the Forest Engineering section, the specialities fall under forest roads, logging and ergonomics, biometrics, hydrology, renewable energy engineering, remote sensing and Geographical Information Systems (GIS), statistics and environmental engineering. On the other hand, in the Wood Sciences section, the expertize fall in wood science related subjects inluding woodfuel, wood-based materials, Non-timber forest products and resource modeling.

Teaching and research activities in our Department focus on optimizing the efficiency of all aspects of forest management and operations from tree planting to utilization.
Our Department has been offering a number of courses since the establishment of College of Forestry Wildlife and Tourism formally known as Faculty of Forest and Nature Conservation. The courses are offered within BSc Forestry and BSc Wildlife Management progammes. At postgraduate level, the courses are offered as part of the MSc Forestry and MSc Forest Products and Technology progammes as well as in theĀ  MSc. Forest Engineering. We also offer short courses on the application of open source statistical software as well as GIS and Remote Sensing software in the field of Forestry, among others being R -statistical software, Quantum GIS, GRASS GIS and Open Foris tools.

Prof. F.B.S. Makonda
Head of Department
Tel: +255 260 234648 or +255 260 233511-4 Extn No. 4624
Fax: +255 260 234648 Email address fenws@sua.ac.tz